Energy paintings: Annelien Bruins, December 2018
/Annelien Bruins, December 2018
The essence of a person is called the soul. The molecular structure of what I paint and the energy of the subject comes through me once I get out of the way.
I do not know what colors or movement the piece will show until it has already been painted. As I see it, the subject paints the piece. I am just a vehicle to be used as a channel. That is why in painting portraits, people often say, “Those are my favorite colors!”.
Each color has meaning. In this painting, white represents a higher power, green is the color of our heart, blue represents communication and gold represents a Supreme being. Annelien has the gift of speaking into one’s listening. She speaks from her heart and hears beyond the spoken word, deciphers the truth beyond the words. This is a gift from her Higher Power to all who know her.
Within the folds of her colors, gold strikingly appears as if to say, I am here, see me. I will show you the way, guide you on the journey you have so chosen.
The movement of the paint also says much about the subject. In this artwork I see the wings of a butterfly spreading her airfoil with the freedom to soar. Elegant flowing silk combined with a gentle breeze, fans circulating a fresh wind of possibilities.
Guides are held inside the folds of the paint lending a helping hand. See what you see and when you are ready, more shall be revealed.